Business premises / Registry address (invoice address)

VIZET, s.r.o.
Brumovská 1049
766 01 Valašské Klobouky
Czech Republic
IČ (company registration number) 276 85 063
DIČ (tax identification number) CZ27685063
Contact person
executive | Production manager | back office manager |
Ing. Karel Vlček Tel: +420 577 320 175 Mob.: +420 777 770 420 Email: |
Ing. Josef Sukup Tel.: +420 577 321 615 Mob.: +420 774 414 748 Email: |
Oto Hermann, B.A. Mob.: +420 732 536 880 Email:
Brumovská 1049
766 01 Valašské Klobouky
Czech Republic
Kunovice Airport
You can also reach us from the nearby airport (cca 58 km) – KUNOVICE AIRPORT. See the details below:
International Airport Code ICAO/IATA: LKKU/UHE
Aerodrome coordinates: N49°01’46” E017°26’23”
Type of operation: IFR, VFR